A discussion surrounding critical infrastructure risk, reliance, ransomware and the resilience imperative
What's important to you and how long can you go without it?
October 25, 2019 | 11 a.m. EST | Presented by GovSense
In the wake of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, we implore you to think about “what’s important to your jurisdiction and how long can you go without it?” GovSense would like to present Cybersecurity and Resiliency expert, Jeff Gaynor, former Director of the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of Homeland Security and current President of American Resilience, to discuss ransomware, critical infrastructure cybersecurity risk, reliance and the resilience imperative.

Jeff’s Homeland and National Security career spans better than a half-century. During a highly decorated 30+ years in uniform, Jeff served in assignments from foxholes to the White House as the Communications Security Officer and Alternate Military Aide to Presidents’ Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Upon his retirement, Jeff became the Principal Action Officer for the creation of the Defense-wide Information Assurance Program. Appointed a Defense Intelligence Senior Executive, he served as a Special Assistant for Homeland Security; Principal Director for Security and Information Operations; and the Director of Defense Department Year 2000 Transition (Y2K) Operations. In the wake of Y2K and the events of 9/11, Jeff created and directed the Emergency Response Senior Advisory Committee and Critical Infrastructure Task Force (CITF) of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).

Paul serves as the host of today’s webinar. Paul Cammisa is the co-founder of GovSense, the first unified, true-cloud local government software. He has over 30 years of finance, technology and business operations experience and has managed and supported multinational enterprises as well as small to medium sized organizations. Paul brings his expertise in the areas of business and systems strategy, systems design and implementation, financial and operations management, and business process improvement to local governments.