Going Green: Benefits From Cloud-Based Data Center

Has your jurisdiction explored the economic and environmental benefits of switching to a cloud-based data center? Green initiatives often seem hard to achieve for local government agencies because of potential implementation costs and efforts. What these agencies don’t always realize, are the benefits that going green would bring not only to the jurisdiction, but also to the community.
In addition to smaller efforts like reusing products, installing water dispensing systems and encouraging constituents to reduce waste through recycling, recent studies have demonstrated that cloud-based software could be key to becoming an environment friendly and energy-saving organization.
Benefits of a Cloud-Based Data Center
When government agencies decide to go green by shifting from a traditional on-premise network to a cloud-based data center, they eliminate the need for hardware, physical security and electricity costs, as well as the need for employees to be in the office all the time.
Other benefits of cloud-based data centers include a more hands-off approach for your agency as vendors usually provide all the support and configuration for the application.
Take a look at other economic and environmental benefits that the cloud could bring you.
Successfully manage your budget with:
- Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO)
- Significant reduction in energy and operating expense for server rooms
- Ability to redeploy valuable IT resources
- Reduction of hardware, personnel, maintenance and occupancy costs
Practice sustainability through:
- Significant energy savings
- Cloud servers running on clean energy show up to 48 times improvement in carbon savings over on-premise servers
- Reduction in e-waste from servers, batteries and backup media
- 97 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions
- Reduction of paper processing through online registration
According to a study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) on carbon emissions of on-premise vs. cloud servers,
“Running a computer application in the cloud is generally more energy and carbon efficient than running it in your server room because cloud computing can serve more customers at the same time, achieving better economies of scale than SMOs.”
So, is your jurisdiction ready to reap the benefits of going green?
To learn more about green initiatives and how GovSense can help you and your community, check out this datasheet.